Do your contractors present a significant risk?

Managing contractors effectively is crucial to your company’s operational, legal and financial performance. For many businesses one of the biggest areas of risk is the use of contractors who are often engaged to undertake non-core work, but which impinges directly on the core operation of the organisation.

The Health and Safety at Work Act (2015) requires PCBU’s to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers. Workers includes your contractors, their employees and their subcontractors. To meet legal requirements, you want to ensure that your contractors have the required systems and capability to keep people safe.

How PREQUAL can help

PREQUAL is a client-led contractor prequalification management process that provides a rigorous and independent service to pre-qualify contractors. With contractors assessed by independent industry specialists, and because you can check a contractor's pre-qualification record at any time, PREQUAL takes care of this initial assessment process.

Having the information you need about a contractors’ health and safety capabilities enables you to make a more informed contractor selection as a vital first step in the contractor management process.

PREQUAL, as NZ's leading prequalification service, offers both the well recognised pan industry PREQUAL assessment and is a Tōtika Gold Member Scheme Provider.

Contact us with any questions or for more information on the best prequalification assessment for your organisational needs, call 0800 773 782 or email

Subscribing to PREQUAL will save you and your business the hassle and admin costs of assessing contractors’ information, chasing documents and maintaining up-to-date records - freeing up your internal resources to focus on other important business matters.  

Other benefits include: 

  • Significant cost and time savings
  • Increased confidence in contractor accreditation outcomes
  • Access to a large range of independently assessed contractors
  • Prequalification handled by a specialist organisation
  • Consistent, auditable process
  • Confirmation that the contractor has current and adequate insurance 
  • Helps identify the contractors’ commitment to supporting your H&S aspirations.

Features of the PREQUAL Platform

  • A self-managed portal where you can easily search, connect, manage, and engage with existing and new contractors.
  • Access to a large pool of prequalified contractors with advanced search functionality across different work activities and regions.
  • The ability to easily connect and disconnect to contractors; facilitating status reporting on groups of contractors you work with.
  • Full visibility of your contractors’ insurance information.
  • Access to downloadable current and previous prequalification reports of contractors you are linked to.
  • The ability to an internal unique identifier and notes against a contractor.
  • Interactive Contractor Prequalification insights dashboard.

Looking for prequalified contractors?

The PREQUAL platform provides a quick, easy way to connect with prequalified contractors you think might be suitable for your upcoming projects or requirements.

You simply select any relevant contractors and PREQUAL will notify them of your interest – when a contractor agrees, we will link them to you and you can make contact to discuss your requirements, review their PREQUAL report and progress in the next phase of the contractor management cycle.

And you can add new contractors – who have not yet been through the PREQUAL prequalification process – so they can begin their assessment process to meet your standards and begin work with you.

Every day, hundreds of contractors are working on Housing NZ properties, so it is critical that we know how good their safety practices are. We compared a range of prequalification options, and Prequal gave us the level of assurance we were looking for as part of our overall contractor management programme . Prequals five risk based assessments are comprehensive and provides Housing NZ with a robust level of assurance.

Tarniya Comrie - Director Safety, Support and Wellbeing, Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities


PREQUAL allows us to prioritise our resources towards the companies who need greater assistance to work safely and effectively upon our site. As an initial screening process, it allows us to gain a better understanding of the H&S culture within new organisations which is essential for a safe outcome.

Category and Contracts Manager - Refining NZ